Little Known Fact About Christmas #1

Why does everyone sleep on December 25th?
Does everyone sleep on December 25th?
Big "siesta" on Christmas Day!

Hello and welcome to this short video series, "The 12 Little known Christmas Facts",  designed to improve your Spanish during the festive season.

As you know, learning a second language is not just about learning foreign words. It's also about learning about the culture where the language lives and evolves.

Christmas is a huge thing in all Spanish speaking countries, so even if you are not a Christian and Christmas means nothing to you, this is still a terrific opportunity for you to learn some amazing  facts about this celebration in the Hispanic world. After all, it's an essential part of its culture.

Starting today, the 14th of December, each day, you will receive a little known fact  about  the Christmas period. That is to say, little known for most English speakers but huge in the Spanish speaking word. You can't afford to miss it! And I am sure that some of them will blow your mind! The series concludes on Christmas day itself.

All the facts will be said in Spanish first but you can find the transcript and its translation below!

So without further ado, little known fact #1 





Spanish Transcript and English translation - Part 1 SelectShow

Spanish Transcript and English translation - Part 2 SelectShow

Spanish Transcript and English translation - Part 3 SelectShow







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